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1 CuriousLurker  Sun, Sep 22, 2013 10:13:31am

I’m so sick of this crap. *sigh, smh*

2 electrotek  Sun, Sep 22, 2013 11:35:10am

Haven’t seen many Pakistanis speak out against this, except when it comes to Palestinians or Rohingyas being murdered by the “kufaar”, or drone strikes which are practical to slaughter takfiri filth. Guess to them it’s more important to be a theykadaar of the Islamic faith as opposed to defending minority groups as Islam dictates.

Pakistani Shi’as are also guilty, kissing up to Palestinians on al-Quds Day while the co-religionists of the Palestinians by the name of Tehrik-e-Taliban continue to bomb Pakistani Shias.

Typical, just typical. And Muslims wonder why Pakistani Christians, along with Christians from other Muslim countries, hate Muslims with a passion. Look no further than your own actions for once.

3 CuriousLurker  Mon, Sep 23, 2013 10:50:34am

Sorry to see a hateful turd was left on your Page, Daniel.

I immediately thought of you and this post this morning when the following landed in my mailbox via Google Alerts. Reading the bolded portion made it all the more poignant:

Interfaith harmony: The church that looked like a mosque

PESHAWAR: So mindful were the Christians of Muslim sentiments that when they built Peshawar’s All Saints Church in 1882, they made it look like a mosque. Local artists were even hired to inscribe Biblical verses in Persian and Pashto.

“One could say it is probably the only church of its kind in Pakistan modeled after a mosque with a dome and minarets,” said Dr Ali Jan, a conservation activist who has done research on the city’s churches. “Its architecture is unique.”

All Saints Church was attacked after Mass on Sunday by two suicide bombers, leaving at least 78 of the worshipers dead and scores others injured. […]

All Saints Church was going to commemorate 130 years of existence in December this year. This bears testament to the long tradition of interfaith harmony in the city. Peshawar has nine churches, the oldest being St John’s Church, constructed in the 1850s, on Sir Syed Road which houses the Diocese of Peshawar and works under the Diocese of Lahore.

Masjid Dervish and St Michael’s Catholic Church on Peshawar’s Mall Road share a boundary wall - one of the oldest churches of the province and one of the largest mosques of the city have thus existed in complete harmony for decades. […]

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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